Meet The CEO | Purpose of the royal collection

The Royal Collection

Meet The CEO | Purpose of the royal collection

Asha Kierra Morris is a 21-year old , student, entrepreneur, creative, youtuber, graphic designer, owner of The Royal Collection and most importantly a daughter of the KING. 

The purpose of The Royal Collection is to encourage individuals to embrace the journey of self-love and becoming all God has called them to be in spite of trials and tribulations faced along the way. 1 Peter 2:9 says , “ But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession , that may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

My story of self love and acceptance wasn’t pretty at all. I doubted everything about me for years, my beauty, my talents, and even my existence and accepting who I was created to be. I couldn’t affirm myself ,because I didn’t  feel worthy. Journaling has always been my way of release. I journaled when I couldn't talk to anyone, journaling is a place where I could simply BE, BE myself without judgement. I had to realize who I was created to be and whose daughter I was, I had to begin to see myself the way he sees me. God took my flaws and weaknesses and allowed his strength to be perfected, now I can use them to minister to others that may be dealing with the same things. My brand is to help women and men, who suffer with self worth and identity crisis. 

The butterfly represents rebirth, renewal, and transformation that begins within. This is not built overnight . Along this journey I faced insecurities, suicidal thoughts, depression and more , but it took me to go through that metamorphosis to be who I am today. A butterfly does not look back to its cocoon stage but it reflects on its past to embrace the change and the newness that is necessary. Through this helps you to leave your past behind, embrace change , hope and joy. Embrace where you are now and be real with yourself because beauty is coming out of the process . Endure the different seasons because the butterfly is evident that you can go through darkness and birth beauty.